The 2024 Canter Seat Workshop Challenge with Ritter Dressage

In this 6-Day Workshop, we will guide you through 5 of the most common “seat mistakes” riders make in the Canter, and you will learn what you need to do in order to improve your seat in the canter and truly help your horse to develop a better canter.

FREE 6-Day Exclusive Online Training with Dr. Thomas Ritter

July 22-27, 2024

(Not sure if this is for you? Scroll down to read ALL about it!)

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The seat is so important...

of course it is, right?!

The seat is important for everything, not just the canter. And this is true. But the seat is ESPECIALLY important for the canter because it can literally make or break your horse’s ability to canter IN BALANCE.


It is THAT important.

A Bad Seat...

  • prevents the horse from becoming balanced and straight.
  • destabilizes the horse.
    blocks the energy coming from the hind legs.
  • creates stiffness and muscle blockages in the horse.
    prevents the horse’s back from lifting.
  • interferes with the horse’s movements instead of helping.
    can’t receive much information due to stiffness in certain areas and a lack of connection.
  • does not allow the rider to feel where the horse’s feet are.
    does not allow the rider to feel the timing of the aids.
  • does not allow the rider to apply the aids precisely, at the right time, in the right intensity, and with the right coordination

A Good Seat

  • helps to balance and straighten the horse.
  • gives the horse stability.
    channels the energy coming from the hind legs.
  • allows the horse’s back to lift.
    helps to shape the horse.
  • receives information from the horse about his balance, straightness, and suppleness.
  • allows the rider to feel where the horse’s feet are.
  • allows the rider to feel the timing of the aids.
  • allows the rider to apply the aids precisely, at the right time, in the right intensity, and with the right coordination

So... we have put together this FREE 6-day challenge to help you learn how to:


1. IDENTIFY exactly which seat mistakes are holding you and your horse back in the canter

2. UTILIZE simple lessons which can set you on the right path toward a BETTER seat and to deal with the seat challenges you are struggling with in the canter.


Six days of exercises, instruction, inspiration, and support. Join us. We begin Monday with Video #1 and another video will be released each day. Take your thoughts, observations, and questions to the Facebook Group for feedback and discussion. Then join us live on Saturday for a Grand Finale LIVE TRAINING where we will bring it all together and... you can get your questions answered live.

You have been beating yourself up for the seat mistakes you make in the canter. You know you make them, but you don't know what to do about them.



Okay, I'm in! Sign me up!

Canter Seat Challenge Schedule

The 5 daily workshops are pre-recorded. The 6th day is a Live Q&A with Dr. Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter. If you can't attend Day 6 live, don't worry - you can watch the recording afterwards. It will be located in the Facebook Group and also uploaded within 12 hours to the challenge platform (for those who don't do Facebook).

DAY 1 - "Tipsy" about the issue of the rider tipping forward in the canter. Released Monday, July 22, 2024.

DAY 2 - "Pumpsy-Pushy" about the issue of the rider pumping with the shoulders and/or pushing with the pelvis. With Bonus Feldenkrais lesson.  Released Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

DAY 3 - "Reinsy" about the issue of collecting the horse with the reins a.k.a. riding "front to back". Released Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

DAY 4 - "Collapsy" about the issue of the rider collapsing and sliding to the outside. Released Thursday, July 25, 2024

DAY 5 - "Swingsy" about the issue of the rider's leg swinging forward and back in the canter. Released Friday, July 26, 2024.

DAY 6 - LIVE TRAINING and Q&A: The Whole Rider: A Holistic Approach to Riding Well in the Canter. LIVE on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 6:00pm GMT+1.

This FREE 6-Day Workshop Challenge is exactly what you've been waiting for!   (and it is totally FREE)

Meet your Instructors

Thomas & Shana Ritter

Now located in Portugal, Thomas is an International Clinician and author of  "Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics" and "Long Reining: From the Beginning through the Levade" (published by Cadmos Press in both English and German) and countless articles in many publications. Shana is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist. Together they create and orchestrate the Artistic Dressage program.

WHAT is a Challenge and HOW does it work?

Sign up by clicking the button below.  Yes, it is totally free. On the confirmation page, you will receive a link to the Facebook group for the Challenge. Please request to join.

√ We will create an account just for you (if you already have one with us, you will access the challenge through your existing account).

√ If this is a new account, you will receive an email with your login information and password. Log in immediately and get oriented with the course platform.

√ You will also receive a welcome email with instructions and the full schedule.

√ Each day you will receive an email with instructions for how to watch each day's training video and how to attend Day 6's live training. You can watch live on YouTube or on Zoom (free software - we will give full instructions on how to use it).

√ If you can't watch the Day 6 Session LIVE, don't worry - you can still watch the recording afterwards immediately on YouTube or on the course platform.

If you are able to, we want you to go ride and try out the imagery exercises while you are riding. If, however, you are not able to ride because of work, vacation, health issues, weather, etc. then practice these imagery lessons as visualizations. Put what you learn into practice right away. You WILL benefit, either way.

Use the Facebook Group (optional, but recommended) to share your thoughts, observations, and discoveries. You are welcome to also post videos of yourself riding the canter in the Facebook Group, trying out the exercises in the course.

√ You can post your updates, progress, and discoveries in the Facebook group.

√ At the end of the Challenge, we will tell you about how you can take this journey further and continue the progress, if you wish to, by joining us in our 2024 Canter Transformation Program Online Course.


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