Getting the horse straight, on the bit, with the back up, hind legs engaged with withers lifted, and to do this all while sitting "gracefully" and keeping the horse relaxed and HAPPY.

The struggle IS real, my friend!
It's not necessarily "easy".
(But if it were “easy,” would you REALLY want it as much as you do?)

The #1 obstacle to any Dressage Riders’ progress?
The number one obstacle to gaining those skills? ...KNOWLEDGE.
Think about how many things you could do in riding
if you just knew what to do, why, and how to do it.
(If only life were so easy, right?)
Whether you think you are a pretty talented rider or...
the world’s most UNtalented rider,
all riders eventually reach the glass ceiling of progress.
No one escapes this obstacle.
The ONLY thing that will help you break through that ceiling is to develop your skills and knowledge.

That focusing on improving those skills and knowledge would be the wisest thing to focus on in your riding education, Yes?
And that, in the long run, it would save you MONEY and TIME (not to mention heartache, tears, and frustration)... Yes?
And that it would even help you improve and develop your relationship with your horse because...
The more you make sense to your horse
and the better you can communicate with your horse,
which means...
The more your horse can understand what you want
(and the happier your horse will be, too).

NO ONE is exempt from it.
That means if you’re signing up to learn to ride Dressage, you’re signing up for all of it….
(the boring, frustrating plateaus and soul-sucking “UPhills” along with all of the breath-of-relief level paths and celebratory “DOWNhills”… ) with 100% certainty.
You need the skills, knowledge, and support to keep you going even when things get hard (because sometimes, they do).
It also helps to be accompanied on this journey by those who have been there, know the ups and downs, know how to talk you off the ledge when you feel like giving up, know how to guide you through the rough spots, and know how to push you when you are getting in your own way.
Are you ready
1. To gain the knowledge and skills TOGETHER in a way that feels sustainable and makes steady progress?
2. To learn the complete what, why, and how of Dressage in a way that works for you AND your horse (IOW: is kind, compassionate, preserves soundness, classically focused, and is fun and enjoyable)?
3. To be supported and guided in your Dressage journey by trainers who have done this (and survived to tell the tale!) and are eager to share with you the best roadmap through the ups and downs?
We have created a proven program that takes you from “banging your head against the wall” frustrated to confidently understanding and riding biomechanics-based patterns and exercises to train your horse.

You need to understand the WHAT and WHY: this is the underlying red thread theory that guides everything.

You need to know how to implement the HOW: it isn't enough to know what should be done, but you also need to learn how to do it.

Thoughtful Experimentation
You need to learn to trust in yourself and to accurately evaluate the feedback from the horse.

Guidance and Support
Even if you train on your own, no one learns this alone. You need someone on your side who believes in you.

Tempo & Rhythm
Carrying & Thrusting Power
Alignment & Straightness
Rein Contact
Side-Stepping (Lateral Movements)
Throughness (Permeability to the aids)
Trust and relationship
+ Season with additional rewards, love, and affection
1. Prepare - Preheat oven to 375°. (Just kidding). But seriously, you can best prepare your horse for training by thoroughly understanding what you are doing and why. Correct intention is important.
2. Timing and Effectiveness of the Aids - Give your aids in timing with the footfalls of the horse so they have the best chance of being effective. When the horse doesn’t respond appropriately to an aid, it is often because the timing is incorrect. You will improve your horse’s responsiveness by improving your timing and application of the correct aids, which will enable you to ride with ever more subtle aids and communicate more finely.
3. Correct Arena Geometry - Make best use of the riding space by riding accurately and effectively.
4. Biomechanics - All gymnastic training is based on the horse’s biomechanic movement patterns. When you can diagnose exactly which fundamental movement patterns are causing resistance or problems, you can identify and address the real source of the problem rather than chasing symptoms.
5. Strategy - View the training systematically as a series of steps and understanding the horse must gain. This lays it all out in a simple logical way.
6. Use exercises as building blocks - You can break down any exercise into its building block components which gives you the ability to modify any exercise for the specific needs of your horse.
7. Target specific body parts - You can target specific body parts and areas of the horse’s body with exact gymnastic exercises which guide the horse into the best movement and posture.
8. Harmony & Relationship - Cultivate a healthy collaborative relationship with your horse (so that you can begin each ride with enthusiasm and end each ride with a happy, content horse)
9. Remove resistances - Remove resistances by isolating and dissolving blockages in the horse’s body
10. Troubleshoot - Troubleshoot any problem, analyse any situation (so that you can eventually be your own trainer and figure out solutions to any problem you or another ride may have)
11. Ride with a functional seat - Not only a “pretty” seat based on form, but an effective seat that is in balance.
12. Use the movements as training tools - Use the movements as means to an end that serve to develop the horse gymnastically, rather than as isolated “tricks”. You will use lateral movements, lengthenings, and counter canter to supple and strengthen your horse.
13. Work with your own learning style - Different horses need to be trained differently. The same goes for people. Different riders need to learn differently. Some riders are more visual, some are more academic, and others learn best by feeling and doing. You can learn to work best with your own learning type and then pick and choose what else works for you to assist you in your learning.

The What, Why, How
of Using Gymnastic Exercises to Train your Horse
Dressage from a Thinking Rider’s perspective
The perfect system for all DIY riders and aspiring dressage enthusiasts.

Level 2
The complete roadmap and systematic training plan for horse and rider as the training progresses beyond Introductory/Preliminary Level (USDF Training Level) work into Novice/Elementary (USDF First and Second Level).
New Level 2 Course begins on January 10, 2025.

The What Why How Program is a Comprehensive All-in-One Complete Training Program for Horse and Rider:
1. Biomechanics-based theoretical instruction grounded in classical principles and tradition. Explaining the interplay between the horse's mind, body, and the dressage training.
2. Gymnastic strategy and exercises designed to develop the horse systematically with building blocks of skill development. Learn how to immediately apply the theoretical lessons into your riding.
3. Instructional and demonstration videos. Understand it and see it before you try to ride it with your horse.
4. Seat and mindset training for the rider. Feldenkrais lessons, seat and aids development, and trainings designed to develop the WAY you think, not just WHAT you think.
4. Full and total guidance, support, and help every step of the way. You don't have to do this alone.

Level 2 - Developing Athletic Suppleness
Unlocking the horse’s potential and developing the gaits.
Module 1 - The Training Spiral
On the Bit, On the Aids, and On the Seat
✔ Using Spiral Gymnastic Exercises in the Training
✔ The Circle of the Aids
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 2 - Shifting Weight
The Flexible Ribcage
✔ Exercises to develop the horse's ability to shift the weight more easily
✔ Dealing with Fear in Riding
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons to supple the rider's ribcage
Module 3 - Straightness
Introduction to Straightness and Crookedness
✔ Gymnastic and Stirrup-Stepping Exercises to develop the horse's alignment and straightness
✔ Turning and Framing the Shoulders
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 4 - Transitions and Shoulder-Fore
Introduction to Lateral Movements
✔ Exercises to improve transitions and introduce the shoulder-fore
✔ Homeopathic doses of lateral movements
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 5 - Engage!
Engagement of the Hindquarters
✔ Using and Combining these tests as Riding Exercises
✔ Steady Tempo vs. Rushing
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 6 - Energize!
Introducing the Full Pass for Full Energy
✔ Exercises to utilize the Full Pass in various ways
✔ Getting the Lazy Horse to move forward
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 7 - The Path to Cadence
Pushing Through, Slowing Down
✔ Exercises using and combining the 1st and 2nd tests of the Outside Hind Leg in the Spanish Riding School Tradition
✔ When to push through and when to back off - How much work is "enough"?
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 8 - Improving the Canter
The Canter Plié and Counter Canter
✔ Using Plié and Counter Canter Exercises to improve and develop the jump, springiness, balance, and straightness of the Canter
✔ The Plié and Counter Canter as training tools
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 9 - The Power of Triangles
Diamonds and Triangles
✔ Using Riding Exercises with Triangle and Diamond Patterns
✔ Listening to No! from the Horse
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 10 - The Shoulder-in
Introducing and working effectively with the Shoulder-in
✔ Exercises to introduce and use the shoulder-in
✔ Using your weight and seat in the Shoulder-in
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 11 - The Simple Changes
Introducing Simple Changes from Canter to Walk to Canter
✔ Exercises to introduce and polish your simple changes
✔ Understanding and feeling the footfalls to improve your transitions
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 12 - Counter Shoulder-in
Working with Counter Movements
✔ Exercises using the 3rd test of the Outside Hind Leg in the Spanish Riding School Tradition
✔ Using the tests of the hind legs creatively
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 13 - Lengthening of the Stride
Lengthenings and Transitions
✔ Gymnastic Exercises to develop the horse's pushing power
✔ Lengthening the Stride in the Canter
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 14 - Jump!
Increasing the Jump of the Canter Stride
✔ Exercises to improve the jump of your horse's canter stride
✔ Balance of the Canter
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 15 - Combinations
Learning to work with exercises and combining elements
✔ Exercises combining shoulder-in and counter shoulder-in
✔ Putting the 6 tests of the Hind Legs to work
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 16 - The Haunches-in
Introducing and working effectively with the Haunches-in
✔ Exercises to introduce and work with the Haunches-in
✔ Using the seat, weight, and aids in the Haunches-in
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 17 - Strategy
Strategies for Effective Riding
✔ Fun Exercises that combine the elements of the previous modules
✔ Taking A Different Approach: Interrupting the downward spiral of
Resistance, Pressure, and Force
✔ Imagery and Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 18 - Suppleness
Improving Lateral Suppleness to Improve Longitudinal Suppleness
✔ Exercises to improve horizontal, lateral, and vertical suppleness
✔ Lateral Bend and Vertical Suppleness
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 19 - Work-in-Hand
Using Groundwork and Work-in-Hand to support the training
✔ Spiral and Shoulder-in Exercises in hand
✔ Shortening and Lengthening the strides in hand
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider
Module 20 - Improving Contact
Correct Contact
✔ Exercises that improve the quality of the horse's contact
✔ How do I develop a light, friendly hand, that is always ready to yield?
✔ Feldenkrais Lessons for the Rider

You’ll learn the Gymnastic Training of the Dressage Horse
with Dr. Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter, as well as the Ritter Team of Qualified, Insightful, Experienced Assistant Trainers
Also includes:
Being able to ask questions is an important aspect of the learning process. You have questions and we actually encourage that!!! You can ask your questions at any time in the Facebook Group but there is just nothing like getting your questions answered live. You will get access to all of the upcoming Q&A sessions for the duration of this course (two sessions each month). For a super small upgrade fee, you can always add access to future Q&As as well. Q&A sessions are always recorded, so you can even pre-post a question that we will answer and you can watch the recording afterwards (but, of course, it is more fun to attend live so we can chat back and forth and you can ask follow-up questions, if you like).
Facebook Group
One of the most thrilling parts of this course is the incredible community. You will join the amazing WWH Alumni Community! Since its original inception in January 2017, the community that is built around this course is the most tight-knit, supportive, and stimulating group we have ever cultivated. As a member of the course, you are granted a lifetime VISA into the community. It spans many continents, several languages, includes riders of all levels and types, and is your new homeland. Welcome home! (Lifetime Access)
The WWH Level 2 Podcast
Life is busy enough! You need an easy, quick way to integrate your learning into your daily life and we have the solution for you! You will get access to an exclusive WWH members-only podcast where you can listen to every video in the WWH course (for all levels you purchase) including the Q&A recordings. Turn your car drive, walk, or even washing dishes into your learning time! With a few simple clicks, you can download the Podcast feed to listen anytime, even while offline (long commutes and plane trips just got a whole lot better!).
The Study Groups
Join a study pod! Accountability accelerates performance.
The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) found the following in a recent study:
* 65% of their participants completed a goal if they asked someone to hold them accountable to their goals and fully committed to accomplishing their project with their accountability partner.
* 95% of people successfully met their goals when they did the above and attended a specific appointment with their accountability partner/people to discuss their progress and success.
The Assessments Process
*Completely optional. At the end of each level, you are invited to submit a self-assessment designed to help you, with our Team's guidance, learn how to evaluate your progress and what you need to focus on next. Each level's assessment helps you assimilate all that you and your horse have learned, and give you the opportunity to share with us that progress and how your understanding of training principles, methodology, and trouble-shooting have developed. Our teaching team will give you feedback, praise where earned, and identify any missing elements that need better attention for your future training. For those who want additional feedback and evaluation, this is perfect. It is highly recommended for those who wish to proceed into the Trainer Certification program which follows this program.
Course Completion Certificate
When you complete the What, Why, How course, this is something to celebrate and deserves recognition. When you finish each level of the course, you will receive a personalized Completion Certificate, signed by Thomas and Shana. You will also be invited to participate in the Assessments process, but it is not mandatory.
Lifetime Access
You never lose access to your course materials. It doesn’t expire or run out after a certain amount of time. That means that you can work as fast or as slow through the materials as you wish. That means that if you get sick, tired, injured - you can pause at anytime and come back to it whenever you and your horse are ready for more. It will always be there for you, and so will we. For a small fee, you can even register for Q&As and Hot Seats in future years so ongoing, lifetime support (as long as you need it) is completely doable.
Optional Add-on:
Hot Seat Video Coaching
You need precision feedback and we know that. In a Hot Seat Session, we get together on a live Group Zoom session and watch your submitted videos, and we break down what is happening, often frame by frame to point it out clearly so you can SEE and UNDERSTAND what is happening. Then we give you exercises and tips to address what we see. You can ask questions right there, and there is a chat where you can talk to the other participants in real-time. You can even ask questions about other participants' videos. If you cannot attend live, you can watch the recording afterwards (with timestamps so you can find your spot quickly).
*Hot Seats are included in the complete package. They are available for an optional add-on when registering for individual levels.
This Course begins January 10, 2025 and continues through September 4, 2025. Early enrollment can get access to Module 1 on January 3rd!!!
✔️ It’s a complete, comprehensive program. No piecing together an incoherent system from random Facebook Posts and internet videos.
✔️ Perfect for riders who don’t have a regular trainer nearby to work with. Or do, but they crave the theoretical underpinning that brings it all together.
✔️ Perfect for Dressage riders who are passionate about their riding and LOVE to learn everything they can about training and working with their horse.
✔️ Perfect for riders new to Dressage who need the time, support, and guidance to learn how to do it "right".
✔️ Step-by-step so you are building upon skills without skipping steps and getting overwhelmed or confused (or overwhelming and confusing your horse).
✔️ Virtual coaching and online learning is normal now (thanks Pandemic).
✔️ Good training doesn't happen on a fixed schedule. You can't learn all of this in a few weeks time. It takes time for the horse to develop and for your knowledge and skills to be integrated into your day-to-day training. You have lifetime access and support.
✔️ You can use the materials to suit YOUR horse and YOUR needs. You can go as quickly or slowly as you like.
✔️ You can get support and feedback on how to introduce new concepts and movements to the horse through work on the ground.
✔️ We teach you to customize this program for you and your horse. You will learn how to modify the exercises and create your own exercises based on the needs of your horse in each individual moment.
✔️ You deserve the satisfaction of learning how to do this- Yourself. With your horse. With no one telling you that you aren’t good enough or talented enough or young enough or that your horse is not good enough (you know, the ca-ching switcharoo that happens in most training barns).

34-week course
This is a marathon. Not a sprint. Good training cannot be rushed and neither should you. The course is spread out over 34 weeks with modules released one at a time. Throughout the duration, there are "Catch up / Integration" weeks so you have time to catch up or consolidate the work you have done before moving on. You do not lose access to your course materials at any point. You have lifetime access so you can go even slower if that suits you better.

Bi-weekly Q&As
There is a live Q&A every other week. We alternate between time slots in order for students all over the world to find some sessions that are convenient to attend live. You can always pre-post questions, even if you cannot attend and then watch the recording afterwards. You can ask questions on anything. It doesn't have to be on that week's course content. Whatever you are working on, whatever issues you are having... bring it.

Re-take any level again
You can re-take any level as many times as you like. When you enroll in WWH Level 2 today, your registration includes low-cost, easy-access to all future upgrades, updates, and participation in future rounds of Level 2. As an option (see details below), you can alternatively register for the complete program (all 4 levels) together and receive lifetime free upgrades and Hot Seat sessions for all levels.

2025 What Why How Level 2 Course - 20 Modules
Value €2000
Lifetime WWH Community
Value €150
2025 Level 2 Q&A Package
Value €900
Feldenkrais Lessons for your Seat
Value €500
WWH Level 2 Podcast & Study Pods
Value €300
WWH Level 2 Assessments Process
Value €300
WWH Level 2 Completion Certificate
Value €200
PLUS Get these Bonuses:
Bonus #1: The WWH Resources Library
Extensive library of many masterclasses and live training recordings.
Valued €300
Bonus #2: The Ritter Way Digital Journal
With this journal, you can document your and your horses’ training progress. It includes arena diagrams for sketching the exercises you ride and ample space for recording your observations, thoughts, and discoveries. The journal is peppered throughout with quotes from Thomas’ teachings for inspiration along the way.
Valued €19
Bonus #3: GDDH Recordings
Recordings from the 2024 Gymnastic Development of the Dressage Horse Workshop with Dr. Thomas Ritter.
Valued €19

What Why How Level 2 Total Value = €4369
What Why How Level 2 Price = €997
Early enrollment can get access to Module 1 on January 3rd!!!
Register NOW for 2025 WWH Level 2 >>

You can. That is possible!
You can also register for the entire 4-Level What Why How Program today.
It is also (by far) the best deal. Check it out...
Check out what is inside the complete program...

Gymnasticizing the Horse: The Foundation that supports the entire training

Athletic Suppleness: Unlocking the horse’s potential and developing the gaits

Permeable Impulsion: Awakening the horse’s true talents and inner beauty

Balance, Lightness, & Collection: Preserving Longevity through Athletic Fulfillment
When you register for the Complete WWH Program today:
✔️ You can take each level when you are ready. Take as much time as you need on each level.
✔️ You get LIFETIME access to all upgrades & all updates
✔️ You get LIFETIME access to all Q&As.
✔️ You also get 1 full round of Hot Seats for each level of the Program included (and discounted access to more Hot Seats if you want them).
And you also get these additional bonuses with the Complete Program:

Bonus #1 : Virtual Élève Bundle
A collection of videos with commentary about an assortment of videos from the Spanish Riding School, Nuno Oliveira, and Modern Competition Riders. (Valued €200)

Bonus #2 : Mindset for Riders Package
A collection of Mindset Trainings on many topics that will help you in your riding journey. (Valued €300)

Bonus #3 : Arena GPS 1.0 eBook
First edition of the Arena GPS eBook series, compilation of basic exercises with graphics and brief explanations. You can download this onto your phone so that you can take this with you into the arena. (Valued €30)

Bonus #4 : DPBM Series
Series of masterclasses: an experiential approach to relating to the biomechanical principles of Dressage. (Valued €150)

Bonus #5 : Classical Lessons for the Modern Rider Series
Follow in the footsteps of the old masters and explore explore the history, lasting legacies, and key teachings you can apply to your own riding. (Valued €150)

Bonus #6 : Rider Development Series
Masterclass recordings with Catherine McCrum, Shana Ritter, and Thomas Ritter on a series of topics about the continual development of the rider. (Valued €150)

Regardless, whether you prefer to enroll in WWH Level 2 or the Complete WWH Program...

What, Why, How -
Level 2 Only
Athletic Suppleness: Unlocking the horse’s potential and developing the gaits
‣ Level 2 of the What Why How Training Program beginning January 10, 2025 (lifetime access)
‣ Introduction to WWH Mini-Course
‣ What Why How Exclusive Facebook Group (lifetime access)
‣ Packet of 2025 WWH Q&As for Level 2
‣ What Why How Accountability Study Pods (optional participation)
‣ What Why How Completion Certificate for Level 2
👉 Does not include 2025 Level 2 Hot Seats (available separately in the checkout)
‣ Bonus #1: WWH Resources Library (Value €300)
‣ Bonus #2: The Ritter Way Digital Journal (Value €19)
‣ Bonus #3: GDDH Workshop Recordings (Value €19)
Early enrollment can get access to Module 1 on January 3rd!!!
Level 2 Registration - €997**
** available in other currencies. Payment Plans Available.
(get started for as low as €125/month!)
The Complete 4-Level
What, Why, How Training Program
The entire 4-Level What Why How Program of Gymnastic Dressage Development
‣ Levels 1-4 (lifetime access, repeat the levels as many times as you like)
‣ Introduction to WWH Mini-Course
‣ What Why How Exclusive Facebook Group (lifetime access)
‣ Lifetime Q&As (lifetime and ongoing access to all the Q&As for each level)
‣ 1 round of Live Hot Seat Coaching Sessions for each of Level
‣ What Why How Accountability Study Pods for each level (optional participation)
‣ What Why How Completion Certificate for each Level
‣ Eligibility to participate in the Ritter Trainer Certification Process at the completion of all 4 Levels
‣ The 3 Bonuses in WWH Level 2 :Resources Library, Ritter Way Journal, GDDH Recordings (Value €338)
‣ Bonus #1: Virtual Élève Bundle (value €200)
‣ Bonus #2: Mindset for Riders ‣ Package (value €200)
‣ Bonus #3: Arena GPS 1.0 ebook (Value €30)
‣ Bonus #4: Dressage Principles Masterclass Series (Value €150)
‣ Bonus #5: Classical Lessons for the Modern Rider Series (Value €150)
‣ Bonus #6: Rider Development Series (Value €150)
Complete Program - €3897**
** available in other currencies. Payment Plans Available.
(get started for as low as €350/month!)
* NOTE: If you enrolled in Level 1 and wish to now purchase the complete program, we can give you a discount code so you can benefit from this great deal! Just email us at [email protected] and we will set it up for you!

We promise that you CAN do this.
But the best part is...you don’t even have to believe us!
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the What, Why, How course program, the training exercises and strategies, or our extensive support after 30 days, we will offer you a full refund, rider’s honor!
That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 30 days to explore the materials, bonuses, and the life-changing experience of the What Why How family and Ritter Riders culture, and make your decision then. That enables you to make the decision then based on the experience you have first-hand in the course materials, rather than making the decision based on what you don’t yet know.
"I'm really pleased I made the decision to invest in the What Why How course.”
“The course has given me so much more confidence. It's improved my relationship with my horse a lot. The course came at the right time for me. I was struggling quite a bit. I wasn't really sure what direction to go in with my horse. And this just gave me so much more confidence to have a plan in my riding. And it gave me some structure to my rides, which gave us some purpose and it's really, really helped us develop over the course of 18 months. I've made some friends through the group as well. People that I'm in contact with outside of the course. And these are people from all around the world that I probably wouldn't have chance to meet. And now I've got the network of like-minded people from lots of different countries, which has been abenefit I didn't expect to achievement online course."
- Katharine Trevelyan , UK
"You don't feel daunted, you don't feel judged. You don't feel over faced. You don't feel challenged beyond what you are capable of doing.”
“You'll have a paradigm shift in your understanding particularly if, like me, you only had a functioning, fundamental understanding of dressage and only dressage as sport, not classical dressage as a training strategy for building a better horse, a stronger, fitter, healthier horse, and doing the same for you as a rider. Everything you learn makes you a better rider - makes you a more reflective rider, makes you think about things, makes you stop and take note, helps you build a connection, gives you the tools to talk to your horse and gives you the tools and the mental headspace to listen to what the horse has to say back.“
- Naomi Betts, Australia
"No question. I would recommend this course.”
“I was very suspect of an online course. I mean, I did have access to SuperDuper trainers and clinics in Europe. And so, and where I am here in Canada, there are super trainers here too, but they're just not close to me. So I was really not thinking I would get much out of the online course. But, in fact, I just found it to be very fulfilling and the progress and the improvement in my horse, he was looking a bit old and that's normal at 21. But these days I find that he looks great. The horse chiropractor came the other day and she said to me, ‘oh my God, he's the new 12, not 22!’ And so it's really a return on investment because the horse just made leaps and bounds in progress. But so did I, and that was really, really, really great. No question. I would recommend this course.”
- Kimberly Dawne Allen, Canada
"The quality of instruction is far higher than I've ever had from a live trainer.”
“I would recommend the, what, why, how course to every single rider, you can't go wrong taking this course. You will learn whatever discipline you are following. You will learn so much and you will never ever regret the investment. The investment you make on this course is GOLD for your learning and for your experience. And you will learn more and you will see improvements in your horse than you have ever found with a live trainer. I was, uh, very, uh, surprised how effective the hot seats were. And I can highly recommend the hot seats to any prospective course members. The quality of training and the sharp eye of Thomas to analyze the ride. And it's not at all critical. It's just training your eye and training yourself to see and know what you can do to improve things for you and your horse.“
- Bella Collins, Germany
"This is the course that I would recommend beginning with. It's so complete. There's nothing lacking. ”
“I've really grown in my knowledge. I've learned more in this course, in the first couple months than I've had in the last 40 years. I am here pretty much alone because there aren't people around me that have horses that ride regularly. So I was starting to almost lose interest. I really was wondering how long I could keep riding. And now I see myself riding well into my late seventies, without a problem, I've lost weight. I keep fit because now I see how important that is for my riding. And it's really changed my whole life. And having the community support! I have friends all over the world now. And so it's really been a huge augmentation to my life. I already had a great life, but now it's even so much better! I just I'm really thankful for the course that started me off on this.“
- Carla Powell, USA
"I finally feel like I'm not faking it anymore.”
“I kind of feel like I've just been like, faking it to make it. I mean, I have a USDF bronze medal that I kind of did on my own with, with trainers, but I was always kind of training the horse while I was learning myself. So I didn't really know what I was supposed to be feeling, and I didn't really know what made each movement to be done correctly. And so for me, The What Why How Course was around understanding biomechanically what the horse is supposed to be doing, what I'm supposed to be doing, and then Feldenkrais on top of it has allowed me to feel my body again. That combination of understanding the theory from a real sense, and being able to feel it in my body was pretty powerful for me.“
- Kate Murray, USA
"I couldn't have asked for more. It was brilliant.”
"If you are gonna start any of the courses, start with the What Why How because it covers everything. It's not just one thing. It covers everything, everything you need to know, it's the best course. It was worth every bit of money. You can pay for an hour's lesson for 20, 30, 40 euros per week and not come out with anything. And I came out with so much more. I can't remember where I worked out at a week, but I come out with so much, it was unbelievable. I recommend this course to everybody. All levels. Even high level people could learn a lot, a lot. That speaks volume. I can't believe how much I learned.”
- Bev Slack, Ireland
"It’s been quite a life changing experience.”
“I would highly recommend the, What Why How course to absolutely anybody who would like to learn and becomemore proficient in training their own horse, or even training other people's horses or even just for, for fun. Really. You can do anything with it. You build confidence within your yourself as well. In every way you can, you can improve yourself and your horse, no matter what level, where you are, even in your life. I've never ever come across anybody that's ever given me the details and the support that the Ritters have. It’s been quite a life changing experience. And I would highly recommend it. Absolutely. One hundred percent.“
- Sharon Gallagher, USA
"I think the lifetime access is one of the biggest arguments as to why to take the course.”
“What struck me as different from the beginning with Ritter Dressage was the direct conversations in real time that Thomas has with the students. And so, when one has a question to ask whether one asks it on the Facebook page or in one of the Q&As, you actually get an answer back in person. You genuinely can have a back and forth conversation. And, I don't think many other online courses offer that.“
- Jacky Davies, UK
"I've learned how to help my horse.”
“The biggest progress is I have, have learned to train my horses. I've taken other courses, but this is very different to a lot of other courses, because you start in the very beginning and working through everything where dressage starts. So you can start with an uneducated horse and you work through everything dressage. It's possible to do this for every horse, every kind of horse. I feel confident with what I am doing.“
- Katrin Malmqvist, Sweden

"I started in the dark, not sure how to improve on basics taught years ago but knowing there was 'more to it'. I can't believe how much I have learned from Thomas and Shana. I now have the building blocks to work with any horse, not just mine. The improvement in my own horse is measurable. I am so motivated to ride and explore every single day. Massive thank you. I no longer go round in circles with no purpose."
- Ann Savage, Lincolnshire, UK

"I hear what you say but I don't understand what you mean"--this has been the thought in my head for years now during different classes by different instructors. Until I found the online course on the "what, why and how" by Shana and Thomas Ritter. Who would have thought that you can improve your riding ONLINE? Yes, you can. Based on a strong fundament of theory, flanked by teaching videos, an interactive Facebook group and weekly live Q&As this course is real gem. Now I understand what happens while riding and I am equipped with the tools to improve it.
- Anja Schröder, Germany

"If you've ever felt "stuck" in your riding or teaching, this course is the answer. The Ritters combine theory with practical application for all stages of riding. A great aspect of the instruction is that one can see how a movement or concept applies up the levels of riding. This perspective has helped "unstick" our riding and we have made great progress in a short amount of time. This is also a great resource for instructors who need different ideas for teaching. I'm so glad I took a chance on this course!"
- Julie Graber, Indiana USA

"I feel as if this course began at ABC and went right through to XYZ. Thomas and Shana share ALL their knowledge and not just little titbits of information that still leaves you in the dark wondering why something you are doing isn't working for you and your horse and making you feel like you are a useless rider. They don't just advise 'try shoulder in' to help you with an unbalance in your horse...they tell you EXACTLY how, why and what for in SUCH fine detail they leave you with no doubts about what you are doing, why and how it will help you and your horse. This course builds into a detailed encyclopaedia of how to ride and train your horse, no matter what discipline you enjoy, that you can refer to for years to come."
- Carol Kosy, NE Somerset, UK

"This online-riding course is the best you can choose right now! My hopes to find out how to transfer classical dressage movements practised from the ground into the ridden work with my young horse have been fulfilled completely. Thomas and Shana Ritter have been able to define exactly what happens biomechanically when we start to ride and want to gymnastize our horses from the saddle in a sound and profound manner. They have come up with numerous creative exercises for classical movements from easy to difficult to guide our horses fluently from relatively new under saddle towards more balance and then further through advanced exercises which in the end will lead to collection and with that the beauty of riding our horses lightly because they have learned how to carry a rider with strength and suppleness using the power of the hindlegs."
- Nan Brünig, Germany

"The course has provided a huge amount of technical detail, in an easily accessible format. The exercises are explained in careful detail with variations depending on your and hour horse's level of experience. I have a far better understanding of what we are trying to achieve, and tools to use to achieve that understanding."
- Jean de Klerk, South Africa

"Take this course!!! It has changed not only my relationship with my horse but has honestly restored my faith in people too. I have never felt more supported and less judged in my dressage career of 25 years. Not only are Shana and Thomas amazing but the people in the course have been wonderful also. Can't say enough about this experience, just plain fabulous."
- Maureen Shinsky, Michigan USA

"You get all the background, why to ride a specific exercise at a specific point of education and what should be achieved with this exercise. There are also explanations on how to improve the exercises. Every suggestion comes with an background explanation, so that you learn to think and not just follow instructions. This online course was the best thing, I ever did for my riding!"
- Sandra Schindlbacher, Austria

"I find that this course has given me a thorough understanding of how I can work with my horse in a healthy way. It has also given me a confidence as a rider which a haven’t felt before. My horse has gone from having a stiff side, headstrong and often unwilling to work to being in balance and a horse that wants to work. This course is simply great."
- Alexandra Westermark, Lidingö Sweden

Dr. Thomas Ritter
Thomas is an international Dressage clinician and author of two books (“Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics” and “DLong Reining: From the Beginning through the Levade”) and countless articles in many publications. Originally from Germany, Thomas studied under Karl Mikolka, Egon von Neindorff, Arthur Kottas, Charles de Kunffy, Hubert Rohrer, aumann-Pellny, and Thomas Faltejsek. Husband to Shana Ritter, they now live together with their Lusitanos on a regenerative farm in Portugal.

Shana Ritter
Shana is from USA and is the wife and partner to Thomas. Now based in Portugal on a farm of mostly Lusitanos, together they run a program of online courses and programs which educate riders how to train their horses themselves, in accordance with classical principles and biomechanics. Shana is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist, and has studied with Karl Mikolka, Herwig Radnetter, Egon von Neidorff, Arthur Kottas, Charles de Kunffy, and Dorothee Baumann-Pellny.

Catherine McCrum
Catherine McCrum is an accredited Feldenkrais practitioner and has been teaching sport, fitness and movement since 1986 as first a ski instructor/coach and then as a Personal Trainer. She is also a Gestalt psychotherapist with a particular interest in working with developing awareness of how her clients embody their emotional and psychological patterns. Catherine assists in most of the Artistic Dressage Program courses by providing riders with Feldenkrais-based lessons to improve their body awareness, coordination, balance, and suppleness.

Charlotte Zetterberg
Based in Sweden, Charlotte is a Riding Instructor, Authorised Feldenkrais Practioner, Certified Mindfulness Instructor, and author of the Swedish book "Feldenkrais for Riders". She is also a hypnotherapist, a reflex integration therapist, and a mindfulness instructor.

Marcella Becker
Marcella Becker, a dressage instructor based in Germany, benefited from several years of study under Thomas and Shana, gaining deep insight into their approach to educating horses and riders. With a keen eye for rider seat and horse movement honed over time, she offers valuable input on improving seat, horse movement, and rider-horse interaction.

Kristen Guest
Kristen Guest is an amateur rider residing in a remote area of Canada. Since she followed Thomas home from a clinic in 2009, she has been his student, developing her horse from backing to showing FEI tests under his supervision. Currently focusing on schooling the movements for Grand Prix, Kristen plans to debut her self-trained Lipizzaner at Grand Prix in 2024.

Yvonne Lübcke
Yvonne has been a part of the Artistic Dressage online courses since 2018, and now teaches within the program as an assistant teacher. She is a Holistic Equine Therapist, working with many different modalities including Acupuncture (with and without needles), Homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Animal Communication, and Emmett Therapy. She also specialises in Work-in-Hand and Liberty work with her horses, following the principles of biomechanics.

Caroline Duff-Riddell
Caroline Duff-Riddell, a resident of South Africa, has experienced various equestrian disciplines including jumping, racing, and eventing before transitioning to Dressage due to unsoundness. She began with Artistic Dressage in the very first online course and has become an invaluable source of wisdom and guidance for the course members. She shares her life with two cherished mares, DarlingDay and Lily.

Dr. Fiona Mead
Dr. Fiona Mead, BVSc., CVA (IVAS), PGDipABM, is a Massey University graduate (1996) and certified veterinary acupuncturist (2012) with a postgraduate diploma in Animal Biomechanics (2016). Passionate about equine health, she blends scientific knowledge with esoteric insights, focusing on biomechanics, hoof care, and complementary therapies like quantum biology, homeopathy, and herbal medicine. A student of renowned experts, including Dr. Kerry Ridgway and Manolo Mendez, Fiona has conducted equine dissections and attended advanced training in equine bodywork and saddle fitting. Based in Kumeu, Auckland, she runs a busy integrative veterinary practice, emphasizing heart-based communication and holistic care.

How much time is required?
Will this course work for me?
How fast can I expect to see results?
What level is the WWH Level 2 and WWH Complete Program appropriate for?
What type of tack or equipment do I need?
Is everything available immediately?
When are the modules released?
When are the live Q&A and Hot Seat coaching sessions and how do I attend?
What is a "Hot Seat" Video Coaching Session?
What if I can’t watch the Q&As or Hot seat sessions live?
What if I can’t keep up, my horse or I get sick or injured, or I need a different pace?
What if I am not riding right now? What if I don’t ride anymore but wish to learn this to improve my teaching?
I am already in the Ritterize Membership. How is this different?
What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?
What if I do not like Facebook or want to join the Facebook Group?
I take weekly lessons with a riding instructor. Will this still work for me?
I don’t have access to a competent trainer or riding instructor. Will this still work for me?
Can I use this for my Icelandic/TWH/Quarter/etc. Horse?
I have taken other online programs for dressage, horsemanship, straightness, etc. Do I need this?
Can I share this with a spouse/parent/child?
Do I need a special program to access the materials?
What if it is not what I expect? Is there a guarantee?
Do you have people who’ve used this with success?
What is my obligation in this course?
What if I am unsure if this is the right fit for me? What if I have more questions about the course? What if I have trouble enrolling or with the payment process?
How do I enroll? What forms of payment do you accept? Can I pay with bank transfer?

Knowledge is power!
But learning to ride isn’t only about the knowledge. You also need the skills to match that knowledge or you will stay stuck at the “Uphill phase” and you will always be faced with feeling woefully inadequate.
Fill your toolbox.
Each skill is a tool you can use to solve problems that happen in the training. But, it is good to spend time developing as many tools as possible because if you only have one tool, every problem looks like it can be fixed by that tool. Yet, hammering away at a screw is not necessarily going to get the job done well or gracefully, is it? The more tools you have in the toolbox, the more options you have. The more options you have, the more discerning you can be with what you do. And the more discerning you are able to be, the kinder and more humane you are able to be with your horse.
Practice makes perfect.
But it doesn’t always make perfect perfect. Practicing the wrong things makes you really good at the wrong things. You need to learn the right things and then practice those skills.
Polish the rock.
The key to taking a rough, ragged rock and turning it into a glistening diamond, is to just continually polish it until it shines. Same with taking raw talent or rough skills and turning them into finished skills - just keep polishing them.
Chop wood, carry water.
The Zen proverb about enlightenment applies to all skills development. Real development comes from real, day-to-day correct work.
Eat the elephant.
As the saying goes: “How do you eat an elephant?”… one bite at a time. Same with learning something as comprehensive as Dressage. One bit(e) at a time. Progressively. Systematically. Don’t get overwhelmed or “overhorsed” with the enormity of it. Take a systematic approach to your learning so you focus on the next step (or bite) ahead of you.
Take it in stride.
Through your journey, you will learn to adapt to challenges and even turn them into learning opportunities. You will learn not to feed into the negative thoughts when you have those “I had a bad ride, my life is ending, I should just quit riding” moments and you will also learn to temper your ego when you have those great “omg I am the QUEEN of Dressage” rides.
Fill your cup with a beginner's mind.
Gaining skills enriches your personal reservoir of knowledge. It happens one drop at a time. Steady progress. But making sure to always keep an open, curious perspective ensures that your ego doesn’t intrude upon your leaning momentum.
Spinning puzzle pieces into a tapestry.
(Yes, I mixed two metaphors here on purpose). Each skill is like a puzzle piece that completes the whole. As you combine these puzzle pieces, you can weave them together into a rich, comprehensive tapestry of understanding.
Learning is like planting a seed.
It takes time, perseverance, and nurturing to see real growth. Growing those skills is also like a tree growing roots. It takes time to establish a solid foundation.
You know what they also say…. “When is the best time to plant a tree?” Yesterday. “When is the next best time?” Today.
So let’s start. Plant that seed and get started with WWH today.

What, Why, How -
Level 2 Only
Athletic Suppleness: Unlocking the horse’s potential and developing the gaits
‣ Level 2 of the What Why How Training Program beginning January 10, 2025 (lifetime access)
‣ Introduction to WWH Mini-Course
‣ What Why How Exclusive Facebook Group (lifetime access)
‣ Packet of 2025 WWH Q&As for Level 2
‣ What Why How Accountability Study Pods (optional participation)
‣ What Why How Completion Certificate for Level 2
👉 Does not include 2025 Level 2 Hot Seats (available separately in the checkout)
‣ Bonus #1: WWH Resources Library (Value €300)
‣ Bonus #2: The Ritter Way Digital Journal (Value €19)
‣ Bonus #3: GDDH Workshop Recordings (Value €19)
Early enrollment can get access to Module 1 on January 3rd!!!