Get ready! We have put something special together...
We have put our two best Dressage Challenges into a self-study package of 16 trainings!
This is like an entire course, and it's only €25!!!


The Thinking Rider

The "thinking rider" is someone who analyzes a situation in order to find out the reason why something isn't working or why the horse is making a certain mistake. Then he/she applies his/her theoretical knowledge, experience, and intuition together to come up with a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem.


💡 Embraces training problems with a curious attitude
💡 Knows what to look for and how to gather the most important information in order to make as accurate of an analysis as possible.
💡 Considers the influence of their seat, aids, and attitude on the horse, and is willing to adjust their own approach in order to help the horse better.
💡 Pauses when things aren’t working well to reflect and gather more information, rather than continuing to repeat what is not working.
💡Seeks to communicate with the horse in a way that simplifies for the horse so they can better understand what we are trying to do
💡 Reflects on their rides afterwards to identify what went well, what didn’t go well, what needs to be modified or abandoned, and what can be continued and built upon.
💡 Chooses to view the horse as a teacher in the process, rather than an order-taker who must submit to the will of the rider.
💡 Understanding that learning to ride is often about much more than just learning to ride. They see there are deeper lessons that can be learned along the way.




Of course, you can go through these recordings any way you choose (you can even binge watch them all in one day), but this is our recommendation:


The 2023 Thinking Rider Challenge Agenda

⭐️ Day 1 - How Gymnastic Exercises work 

⭐️ Day 2 - Cultivating Curiosity: Fostering a curious approach and asking the right questions

⭐️ Day 3 - Biomechanics-based overview of training: Movements, body parts, and exercises

⭐️ Day 4 - Reflect & Adjust: the process of incorporating feedback to improve ourselves and our Horses

⭐️ Day 5 - The Training “Wheel” - How to facilitate endless learning and limitless progress through revisiting the training “wheel” with fresh eyes at various stages along the way

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - The Rider’s Seat & Aids. 

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Q&A and Hot Seat Recording

The 2024 Thinking Rider Challenge Agenda

⭐️ Day 1 - Thinking, Feeling, and Overthinking in the Dressage Journey

⭐️ Day 2 - 5 Principles & The Mindset of a Successful Rider

⭐️ Day 3 - The 3 Keys to Getting Unstuck in Your Riding

⭐️ Day 4 - HOW to be a Thinking Rider in the 21st Century
⭐️ Day 5 - Believing in yourself and your horse

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - Riding in the Flow

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Pursuing Dressage: 4 Dressage Riders’ Inspiring Journeys Persevering (and succeeding) against the odds
⭐️ Bonus Training 3 - Training your horse to FEI yourself
⭐️ Bonus Training 4 - How do I get my horse to move sideways?



You have lifelong access to all course materials. Since no one knows how long "lifelong" really is, if we need to close the platform in the future for any reason we will contact you and let you download everything before we close it.

Here is what you'll get:

▸ ALL of these recordings.
▸ Fully downloadable.
▸ All the accompanying PDFs

ONLY €25

*other currencies available


Prepare to have your mind BLOWN

We don't just dangle a couple little tidbits and hope you sign up for our bigger paid course for the rest. This Challenge is intended to give a real TRUE taste of what learning from us is like. Be prepared for lots of information. Be prepared to take notes. Be prepared to change the way you think about riding and training horses!

Make the commitment and set aside the time

Unfortunately just purchasing this challenge, doesn't automatically upload the information to your brain. You actually have to go through the recordings. We recommend to take notes and review them, because this is the best way you will maximize your learning opportunity.


As teachers of Thinking Riders, we not only allow your learning, we ENCOURAGE your exploration. To make this information your own, you need to go out to the arena and ride. You need to implement it as quickly as you can. Try it out. Practice the elements. Explore them and play with them so you can fully integrate them into your understanding.

Meet your Instructors

Dr. Thomas & Shana Ritter

Located in Portugal, Thomas is an International Clinician and author of  "Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics" and "Long Reining: From the Beginning through the Levade" (published by Cadmos Press in both English and German) and countless articles in many publications. Shana is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist. Together they create and orchestrate the Artistic Dressage program.

This Package Includes:

The 2023 Thinking Rider Challenge Recordings

⭐️ Day 1 - How Gymnastic Exercises work 

Every exercise has an effect on the horse, positive or negative. It is important to ride exercises which advance the horse’s well-being rather than destroy it, but how can you select the most appropriate exercises? You need to understand how gymnastic exercises affect the horse’s body so that you can choose the right exercises for their restorative, rehabilitative, and gymnastic benefits. You will learn how exercises act on the horse’s body and how to learn to select the right exercise for the intended purpose. You will also learn the six categories of types of movement patterns and how these correlate to types of exercises.

⭐️ Day 2 - Cultivating Curiosity: Fostering a curious approach and asking the right questions

We all want to learn to ride better. That stems from an inherent curiosity, but in the search to find answers to questions on how to ride various movements, etc. there is a danger to believe there is only one true, right way to do anything. In truth, this ultimately limits curiosity and hinders ongoing learning and development. The answer is to keep the spirit of inquisitive curiosity alive in your riding! We must allow our imagination the freedom to explore in humility and openness. In this training, you will learn how to cultivate a curious mindset in your learning. You will also learn how to ask the questions that will spur your creativity and learning onward.

⭐️ Day 3 - Biomechanics-based overview of training: Movements, body parts, and exercises
With the What, Why, How method, you can address each body part with specific exercises to target the exercises to meet the gymnastic needs of the horse. Using an exercise that targets one area of the horse’s body specifically enables you to really hunt for the trouble spots. This helps you to identify where the biggest resistances, muscle blockages, etc. are located in the horse’s body. You can use these exercises to diagnose your horse, or get to know your horse better. You can also choose exercises designed to help your horse with his specific problem areas.

⭐️ Day 4 - Reflect & Adjust: the process of incorporating feedback to improve ourselves and our Horses
Observation plays a very important role in riding and training because it provides us with the data we need to make decisions. We need to be able to evaluate how the horse is performing an arena pattern, movement, or transition. These questions help us to decide what our next steps will be. You can use our What Why How method to analyze everything you do with your horse. It helps to clarify what happened, what went wrong, what went right, where the root of the problem is located, and how you can improve training gaps and deficits so that the horse continues to make progress and move up the levels.
We review some videos, breaking down what is happening and explain how you can evaluate the horse’s needs based on the results of the exercise. We give tips on how riders can address the issues that arise.

⭐️ Day 5 - The Training “Wheel” - How to facilitate endless learning and limitless progress through revisiting the training “wheel” with fresh eyes at various stages along the way

We will introduce the What Why How Training Wheel. You will learn a new way of looking at the “training scale” that works less like a pyramid and more like a wheel. In reality, there is no true separation of each training element, because each element is interconnected with all the other aspects. Because of this, dressage learning and training works more like a spiral, where you are repeatedly revisiting the same elements with a more sophisticated level of attention. This perspective can help make the journey of Dressage training seem much less arduous and insurmountable. It can help you to view dressage as the lifelong process that it actually is.

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - The Rider’s Seat & Aids. 

For this special bonus training, we are joined by one of our Assistant Instructors, Catherine McCrum who is a Feldenkrais Practitioner. We will take a look at the important significance of the rider’s seat and aids in Dressage. You will learn the different functions of the seat to communicate with the horse and influence the horse’s way of going. We will discuss the guidelines for the ideal seat and the surprising guidelines for when to break these rules for the best interest of the horse. You will get several homework assignments which help you to improve your awareness. One is an experiment you can do on the ground with a friend. The other is a Feldenkrais lesson taught by Catherine McCrum.

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Q&A and Hot Seat Recording

Originally held just for our VIP Challenge members, this was a special EXTRA Q&A and Hot Seat session.


The 2024 Thinking Rider Challenge Recordings

⭐️ Day 1 - Thinking, Feeling, and Overthinking in the Dressage Journey
What is the difference between a thinking rider and an overthinking rider and where does “feeling” fit into the whole thing? What are the qualities that you value in riding and what are the qualities that enable you to learn and ride at your best.

⭐️ Day 2 - 5 Principles & The Mindset of a Successful Rider

We are going to dive into the 5 core classical principles that Dr. Thomas Ritter emphasizes  in classical dressage that go beyond specific training elements. While these principles may encompass training considerations, they also address the broader aspects of horsemanship and the horse’s well-being. We are also going to explore the 5 core Mindset Qualities that all riders must develop in order to learn and ride at their best.

⭐️ Day 3 - The 3 Keys to Getting Unstuck in Your Riding
A thinking rider, when feeling stuck in their riding progress, can benefit from adopting a strategic and reflective approach to overcome obstacles. We are going to discuss three of these and we will share with you the story of a student of ours who persevered and overcame her obstacles to develop the relationship and harmony she wanted with her horse.

⭐️ Day 4 - HOW to be a Thinking Rider in the 21st Century
Becoming a thinking rider in the 21st century involves a holistic and continuous learning journey that encompasses various aspects of horsemanship, riding skills, and mindset development. You will learn a roadmap to guide you on this enriching path which will help you to embrace the journey with an open mind, a dedication to excellence, and a commitment to the welfare of your horses. Remember, every ride is an opportunity to deepen your connection with the horse and refine your skills as a thoughtful rider.

⭐️ Day 5 - Believing in yourself and your horse
We are going to talk about how YOU can interrupt overthinking, get out of your own way, and embrace the thinking rider mindset.
Believing in yourself and your horse is crucial for success and progress in this journey. It is the driving force behind your confidence and profoundly shapes the horse-rider relationship and your overall training experience. This positive mindset influences all aspects of riding, from skill development to fostering a meaningful partnership. It lays the foundation for a rewarding and ever-evolving journey in classical dressage.

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - Riding in the Flow
Riding “in the flow” is a state when your mental, emotional, and physical engagement all come together harmoniously in your ride. is a good addiction! There is nothing more joyful for us riders than riding “in the Flow”!!! As part of a holistic approach towards classical dressage, riding "in the flow" is important for a thinking rider as it facilitates effective communication, enhances performance, builds trust, and contributes to a positive and evolving partnership with your horse.
Thomas and Shana Ritter sat down with Catherine McCrum, a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, to talk about the concept of riding in the flow as well as practical tips on how to better ride in the flow. This video includes a short Feldenkrais Movement lesson taught live by Catherine.
Feldenkrais is one of the key modalities that we use in our teaching to help YOU to master the use of your seat in order to better communicate with your horse.

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Pursuing Dressage: 4 Dressage Riders’ Inspiring Journeys Persevering (and succeeding) against the odds
Learning to ride and train horses isn’t always easy, and we all face moments of frustration where giving up feels tempting. That’s why it’s so powerful to hear the stories of those who persevered, pushing through the ups and downs to reach their goals. In this video, we introduce you to four remarkable riders from around the world who have navigated their own challenges, mastered the art of dressage as Thinking Riders, and are here to share their lessons, insights, and strategies to help you overcome obstacles and thrive in your own journey.
⭐️ Bonus Training 3 - Training your horse to FEI yourself
I think you will find this interview very interesting. It is a success story. In this video, we meet with one of our students, Kristen Guest about her riding journey. We talk about the ups and downs, and the huge takeaway lessons she learned as she went from despairing and ready to give up at 1st level to realizing her lifelong dreams to ride at FEI with a horse she trained herself. Kristen is now not only a loyal and dedicated student, but she is now also one of the Assistant Teachers in our online courses.
⭐️ Bonus Training 4 - How do I get my horse to move sideways?
Even if your horse can already move sideways, you’ll find this an enlightening conversation about the biomechanics involved. Because every lateral movement entails moving sideways, this affects nearly everything you do in training. And as a special treat, in this training, we are joined by several of our assistant Teachers from our courses who share their perspectives and training tips alongside us.


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