Of course, you can go through these recordings any way you choose (you can even binge watch them all in one day), but this is our recommendation:
You have lifelong access to all course materials. Since no one knows how long "lifelong" really is, if we need to close the platform in the future for any reason we will contact you and let you download everything before we close it.
▸ ALL of these recordings.
▸ Fully downloadable.
▸ All the accompanying PDFs
*other currencies available
We don't just dangle a couple little tidbits and hope you sign up for our bigger paid course for the rest. This Challenge is intended to give a real TRUE taste of what learning from us is like. Be prepared for lots of information. Be prepared to take notes. Be prepared to change the way you think about riding and training horses!
Unfortunately just purchasing this challenge, doesn't automatically upload the information to your brain. You actually have to go through the recordings. We recommend to take notes and review them, because this is the best way you will maximize your learning opportunity.
As teachers of Thinking Riders, we not only allow your learning, we ENCOURAGE your exploration. To make this information your own, you need to go out to the arena and ride. You need to implement it as quickly as you can. Try it out. Practice the elements. Explore them and play with them so you can fully integrate them into your understanding.
Dr. Thomas & Shana Ritter
Located in Portugal, Thomas is an International Clinician and author of "Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics" and "Long Reining: From the Beginning through the Levade" (published by Cadmos Press in both English and German) and countless articles in many publications. Shana is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist. Together they create and orchestrate the Artistic Dressage program.
Read what previous challenge participants had to say:
50% Complete
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