The Thinking Rider's Self-Study Package

We have put our two best Dressage Challenges into a self-study package of 16 trainings!
This is like an entire course, and it's only €25!!!


Here is what you'll get:

▸ ALL of these recordings.
▸ Fully downloadable.
▸ All the accompanying PDFs

ONLY €25

*other currencies available

Join us and learn how to become (or develop your skills as) a Thinking Rider.

A thinking rider is someone who analyzes a situation in order to find out the reason why something isn't working or why the horse is making a certain mistake. Then she applies her theoretical knowledge, experience, and intuition together to come up with a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem.

The thinking rider:

  • Embraces training problems with a curious attitude
  • Knows what to look for and how to gather the most important information in order to make as accurate of an analysis as possible.
  • Considers the influence of their seat, aids, and attitude on the horse, and is willing to adjust their own approach in order to help the horse better.
  • Pauses when things aren’t working well to reflect and gather more information, rather than continuing to repeat what is not working.
  • Seeks to communicate with the horse in a way that simplifies for the horse so they can better understand what we are trying to do
  • Reflects on their rides afterwards to identify what went well, what didn’t go well, what needs to be modified or abandoned, and what can be continued and built upon.
  • Chooses to view the horse as a teacher in the process, rather than an order-taker who must submit to the will of the rider.
  • Understanding that learning to ride is often about much more than just learning to ride. They see there are deeper lessons that can be learned along the way.


The 2023 Thinking Rider Challenge Agenda

⭐️ Day 1 - How Gymnastic Exercises work 

⭐️ Day 2 - Cultivating Curiosity: Fostering a curious approach and asking the right questions

⭐️ Day 3 - Biomechanics-based overview of training: Movements, body parts, and exercises

⭐️ Day 4 - Reflect & Adjust: the process of incorporating feedback to improve ourselves and our Horses

⭐️ Day 5 - The Training “Wheel” - How to facilitate endless learning and limitless progress through revisiting the training “wheel” with fresh eyes at various stages along the way

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - The Rider’s Seat & Aids. 

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Q&A and Hot Seat Recording


The 2024 Thinking Rider Challenge Agenda

⭐️ Day 1 - Thinking, Feeling, and Overthinking in the Dressage Journey

⭐️ Day 2 - 5 Principles & The Mindset of a Successful Rider

⭐️ Day 3 - The 3 Keys to Getting Unstuck in Your Riding

⭐️ Day 4 - HOW to be a Thinking Rider in the 21st Century
⭐️ Day 5 - Believing in yourself and your horse

⭐️ Bonus Training 1 - Riding in the Flow

⭐️ Bonus Training 2  -  Pursuing Dressage: 4 Dressage Riders’ Inspiring Journeys Persevering (and succeeding) against the odds
⭐️ Bonus Training 3 - Training your horse to FEI yourself
⭐️ Bonus Training 4 - How do I get my horse to move sideways?



You have lifelong access to all course materials. Since no one knows how long "lifelong" really is, if we need to close the platform in the future for any reason we will contact you and let you download everything before we close it.