The 4-step compassionate rider’s method to finer riding and communication using the Double Bridle.
The Double Bridle Camp
with Ritter Dressage

The struggle is REAL...
You want to ride with the double bridle.
(For good reason, too! You know that this is the next step in refinement and skill that leads to the upper-level development of both you and the horse).
But it’s SCARY making that step.
(We GET that. It is scary if you are not sure how to do it.)
You don’t want to do it wrong.
(You’ve been very careful to do everything right, thus far. Why would this be any different?)
You don’t want to mess up your horse.
(You know how disastrous it can be to have to fix mistakes, so you want to do everything you can to avoid creating unnecessary problems).
You have been careful to conscientiously develop your horse to this point and you do NOT want to take the standard advice to just “slap on the double and get on with it”.
 (You know deep down that there has GOT to be a better way to introduce the double bridle and train your horse to adapt to it, and then what do you do after that?!)
You have seen and heard horror stories of the double bridle work gone wrong and you do NOT want to be one of those.
(You know what you do NOT want, but you’re at a loss about how to do it the way that feels RIGHT to you.)
Or perhaps you already ARE riding with the double bridle,
but you want to deepen your understanding so you can make the double bridle work really outstanding and helpful for your training.
AND… You want guidance.
You don’t want to be treading this path alone. You want someone to set you on the right track. You want someone you can TRUST to guide you through this process.

You + The Double Bridle Camp = everything you need to get started!
This course was made for YOU, and I am so pleased to welcome you to…
The Double Bridle Camp with Ritter Dressage
It is like going away to Summer Camp,
but so much better!
In the Double Bridle Camp, you'll learn:
Everything you need to know to prepare your horse correctly
What prerequisites do you need to work on first in order to ensure success with the double bridle? When to introduce it and how to determine you and your horse are ready.
Choosing the right equipment
All these bits! All these reins! All these choices! How does one navigate through it all? We will help you understand how to choose the right curb bit and bridoon for your horse, the function of the different types of bits and reins, and how to experiment safely with your horse to find what your horse most prefers.
Fitting and adjusting the equipment
How to fit the equipment to your horse. How to adjust it for maximal effectiveness and comfort for your horse.
How to hold the reins
There are many different ways of holding the reins and each one can have its benefits. We will guide you on how to explore each of the methods and how to find what will work best for you and your horse. We will also give you tips for switching easily between the different rein holds. Including Fillis 2:2, Fillis 3:1, Competition 2:2 Classical 3:1, Newcastle 3:1, 4 reins in one hand.
How to introduce the horse to the double bridle
First impressions matter. HOW you introduce the double bridle can make a huge difference in how he accepts the future work in the double bridle. We have a system for introducing the horse which also improves the horse's overall connection and way of going.
Ways of building upon this connection with further exercises
One of the incredible advantages of the work with the double bridle is its ability to refine your communication with your horse. We will teach you how to do that with exercises which build upon the connection established in the introduction exercises.
Effects and Effectiveness
What are the effects of the bridoon and curb? WHY use them and HOW to use them. How to improve their effectiveness. We will cover the endless opportunities that are within this work for refining and improving the training of the horse. It is like looking at the training under a microscope!
Tradition and History
The work with the double bridle has a long historical relevance. We will cover this so that you understand the traditions involved. We will cover the Old Masters and some quotes from historically relevant texts of the Old Masters.
A Note From Thomas and Shana...
We know how daunting it can feel to be alone in your "horse training journey." Whether you find you don't have access to a competent trainer near you, your horse doesn't trailer well, travel restrictions have left you with limited options, or you prefer doing this work on your own, our genuine aim is to support you to be the very best trainer you can be... for yourself and for your horse.
We know, from many years of working with many riders such as yourself, that you care DEEPLY about your horse, about training in a way that is harmonious and feels good for your horse and you, and you love the process of learning this and letting the knowledge and understanding become YOURS.
We support you in this! We believe in educating riders to understand the what, the why, and the how so that they can effectively problem-solve and TRAIN on their own. Our highest aim is to help you become the very BEST rider and trainer you can be.

You are going to LOVE this course...
- self-study course you can work through at your own pace. All the time you need to absorb, implement, and experiment with the materials and techniques.
- 4 modules - videos, audio files, PDFs. All materials are downloadable.
- Lifetime access to all materials. Review as many times as you like.
** Discounted access to any live supported version of the course run in the future

Having clear, specific steps to take. We explain all the whats, whys, and hows.

All the things you always wanted to know...
#1- Why it is beneficial to train the horse in the double bridle.
#2- What it can do for your horse's training.
#3- Prerequisites to riding the horse in the double bridle.
(so that you are not introducing it prematurely).
#4- What the actions of the bridoon and curb do.
#5- How to fit and adjust the bridle correctly.
#6- When to start using it. How often to plan to use it.
#7- The traditional recommendations to always keep in mind when riding with the double bridle.
#8- How to choose the correct reins.. The different ways of holding the reins and the advantages of each method.
(Fillis 2:2, Fillis 3:1, Competition 2:2, Classical 3:1, 4:1, “Newcastle” 3:1).
#9- What to do in the early stages of working with the double bridle to set the horse up correctly.
#10- How to teach the horse to go forward even MORE with the double bridle.
#11- How to "connect" the hind legs to the two bits.
#12- How to connect each leg to "its" rein.
#13- Special and useful techniques such as working one hind leg first with a snaffle, then with the curb by changing bend.
All of this with our guidance every step of the way.

How do I know if I'm ready?
Perfect for you if:
- You've taken one or more other courses with us.
- You are familiar with riding gymnastic exercises and using them as diagnostic as well as therapeutic tools to further your horse's training and your understanding in the process.
- You have an understanding of the footfalls of the horse, half-halts, and the timing of the aids.
- You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had someone to help guide you through this process.
- You care about your horse's happiness, soundness, wellbeing, and correct training.
Not for you if:
- Your horse is green and untrained.
- You believe bits, spurs, or whips are cruel (and you're not willing to understand how to use them as compassionate, fine tools).
- You can't or don't want to invest in yourself and your progress.
- You want a quick fix. You aren't interested in taking the time to learn to do things right.
- You want to stay at your current level and don't have the desire or curiosity to expand your current level of skills and abilities.

Let's take a look at what's inside
Module 1: Prerequisites and Preparation
When to start using the Double Bridle
How Often to Use it
Equipment: Curb Bits, Bridoon Bits, Reins
Effects of the Bridoon and Curb
Fitting and Adjusting the Double Bridle.
Module 2: Rein Holds - So Many Options
Different Way of holding the reins: Fillis 2:2, Fillis 3:1, Competition 2:2, Classical 3:1, Going Quickly from Competition 2:2 to Classical 3:1, 4 Reins in One Hand, Newcastle 3:1
Interesting Quotes
Tips and Strategies.
Module 3: Introducing the Horse to the Double Bridle
Introducing the horse to the Double Bridle
Exercise 1 - Connecting the hind legs to the two bits back to front
Exercise 2 - Connecting the hind legs to the two bits front to back
Module 4: Building on the Connection
Exercise 3A - Connecting each rein to its leg at the walk, trot, and canter
Exercise 3B - Connecting pairs of legs with each other
Exercise 4 - The Outside Pair of Legs
Exercise 5 - The Inside Pair of Legs
Endless Opportunities
Here's What our DBC Alumni are Saying...

Nathalie Latendresse Ferrato
There isn’t anyone who better explains riding and helps make it fun to learn but also fills in those learning gaps like the Ritters. Its the college course you always wanted but couldn’t go to one of the big riding schools in Europe. The details and explanation you can’t get while in a lesson that takes the stress out of learning The double bridle is rarely explained in the detail and meaning it deserves from how the bits connect the horse and relax the horse to the rein holding options. This is the class you need to progress to the higher levels in a proper finesse and knowledge that helps you and your horse.

Delaine M. Wright
This was one of THE most eye-opening of Ritter courses (& I have taken and absolutely loved quite a few)!! Every time I opened a new module of Double Bridle Camp, I couldn’t help but think “OH my GOODNESS! More riders need to know this!!” It is an absolute treasure trove of information and adds SUCH a level of depth & finesse to the communication between horse and rider!! I learned soooo much in this course - and developed the skills to both accomplish the optimal use of the double bridle myself AND to teach it to my horses! 2 bits, 4-reins, 4-legs, 2-diagonals, and an exponential number of connections with amazing effects. From learning how (& WHY) to hold the reins in a variety of positions including tips & techniques, when & how to connect each to the legs… magical stuff - who knew(??)!!! lol. Another amazing Ritter course that allows us to go from “fumbling about in the kitchen” to MASTER chef! The things I wish I knew way back when…. Looking sooooo forward to the next generation of this one!

Osa Patnode
This course was eye-opening and informative. The amount of knowledge I gained from it was invaluable and something I have never encountered before. "Everyone" uses a double bridle at some point in their dressage education, but I have never encountered such an understanding of its use, history, introduction to horse and rider, and when to know if you are ready, as in this course. And then prepare to have your mind blown as Thomas works through how to use such subtle aids to communicate via the double bridle, using the snaffle and the bradoon in such educated ways that I can guarantee not one of my past trainers, even the highest level, or fellow riders, have ever used or even realized were possible. Crazy stuff that brought my dressage education and ability to a whole 'nother level!

Would like to mention too, that this course is appropriate and maybe even necessary even if you are not ready to use the double any time soon. Any dressage rider will most likely at some point find themselves faced with the idea of either using a double or introducing a double and having this knowledge in your back pocket can be a real game changer.

Melanie Conditsis
The double bridle course was able to help transition me and my horse to the next level and provide the support and knowledge how to do this correctly and thoughtfully in the Ritter style I have come to love .
There was so much useful information that I had never realised before.It was not simply the case of chucking on a double bridle and off we go.It was done in a refined way to enhance the communication skills between horse and rider, always encouraging lightness and an educated and kind approach.

The Ultimate Compassionate Rider’s Double Bridle Method
(for riders who actually want to do it right!)