Ritterize Membership
Infuse your Training with Ritterize - your monthly infusion of Ritter Learning.
Here is what you can look forward to each month…
01. One New Riding Exercise each month with Q&A. Each of our exercises are biomechanically designed to help your horse develop his balance, straightness, suppleness, engagement, and throughness. But it can get boring if you find yourself getting stuck in a rut of only doing the same, old exercises over and over. At some point, you feel the need for some variety and inspiration, so each month we bring you a new exercise to add to your repertoire. We will explain not only what to do and what the exercise accomplishes in the training, but how you can ride it in a way that will be best suited for your horse right now. We teach you how to modify the exercise to make it easier or harder, depending upon what your horse needs, and we teach you how to embellish the exercise to bring other elements in. We also teach you how to trouble-shoot the various problems that you may encounter with the exercise. With these in mind, you set yourself and your horse up for the best possible results. These exercises are sure to become some of your favourite go-to’s! We teach each exercise in a live training followed by Q&A, and every training is always recorded.
02. One Group Coaching Hot seat each month. Feedback is VITAL to making progress. We have seen this time and time again in our courses. The riders who regularly ask questions and get feedback on their riding videos are the ones that excel in their training. So we are now adding this element into EOTM. A Hot Seat session enables us to watch videos that the community has submitted, and we give feedback, tips, and help troubleshoot any problems that came up. This all happens on a Live Zoom webinar, they are always recorded so you can watch later, and you can learn through watching others EVEN if you do not submit your own videos (but we encourage you to, if you can!).
03. Wine with Friends Meetings. Wine with Friends is like hanging out with your riding buddies in the afternoon with a glass of wine and chatting together about the stuff that is all on our minds. Sometimes we discuss Current events or hot topics. And sometimes we discuss Mindset matters: What gets in your way in making progress in your riding? Whatever we are discussing, you have a voice here! These are held as meetings so that we can have a conversation together- all of us. Participation is optional, of course - you can attend and just listen. Whatever you feel most comfortable with!
04. Occasional Additional Trainings each month. These can vary from masterclasses on topics like timing of the aids, shoulder-in, piaffe training, and long-reining. Interspersed throughout these are occasional commentary videos where we watch a recording of a famous rider or trainer and break down what is happening, what we see, and what you can learn by watching them! Variety stimulates learning and ideas! All trainings are always recorded, so you can watch as many times as you need and return to them whenever helpful.
05. The Ritterize Community. Learning to ride can sometimes get lonely, particularly if you live in a non-Dressage area or feel like you’re the only rider at your barn who wants to train in a way aligned with Ritter values. But having the support of like-minded people who “get it” makes a world of difference. You may have already experienced (and fallen in love with) our generous and exuberant community in our other courses or challenges. They are a group of riders all over the world, committed to their and their horse’s progress, soundness, and happiness. Now you will be able to keep that awesomeness year-round, regardless of which course is in session, by tapping into our amazing Ritterize community. In this private, members-only community, you’ll have an amazing ecosystem of peers, trainers, assistant trainers, team members, and of course Thomas and Shana to help you make your riding goals a reality. (Formerly called EOTM)
06. The Archive. Every single exercise and training since the membership started in 2017 is stored in the Vault and you will have access to ALL of it. Coming soon: new categorisation system so you can locate different trainings based on topic or level of difficulty (for horse AND for rider!). There is so much in here - you will never, ever be at a loss of something new and interesting to implement into your training!
"The Ritters' methods are head and shoulders above other training methods I've encountered for training horses and riders. Lucky us!" - Robin
"It is modern training learning, based on biomechanics and how the brain works in learning. And of course many years of experience. I am so happy that I have found the Ritters. It has already taken my training to a new level." - Charlotte
"I can so underline everything said about the EOTM group and the exercises! What I like most about this set-up is the time you have to explore each exercise, i.e. playing with it for several sessions and find the hidden gems of it. Then you can come back to the live training and ask questions, go back to the arena and explore further, combine it with the previous or next exercise and find out how it works best for you and your horse. Love this group! <3 " - Nan