2023 Straightness Course with Ritter Dressage
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We are so pleased you have decided to join us for the 2023 Straightness Course!
A 15-week course about achieving Straightness as a horse-rider unit. This is THE course to learn the fundamental biomechanics of straightness (and its opposite, crookedness) and how it impacts everything else you do in your riding.
What People Are Saying:
"Thank you thank you thank you!! I have learned so much from you all. Your knowledge but also your humor made this course so fun but I've taken it so seriously. I know that Paloma and I have improved in our relationship because I have learned to recognize what work needs to be done. There is less tension, more of a partnership and much more respect from me. I have so much more to learn and will continue to delve into all of the modules again and again.! Off to the Flying Change Course!"
- Barbara Sanford
"This course was priceless in improving my riding and my balance and my horse's balance and physical well-being!!"
- Barbara Farino
"Excellent course for novice or experienced riders. Every thing explained so clearly and always something new to discover."
- Sue Barton, UK
"The straightness course has been extremely beneficial for my horse. We have made more progress with this 12-week online course than in the last 4 years of in-person training. The course is suitable for horses in all levels of training, and I carried out the majority of the course in walk because my horse had just returned to work after a period of 6 months. He was a very anxious horse, spooky and rushy who got tense as soon as he felt the slightest bit unbalanced. Now he is straighter he is much calmer, and his rhythm and tempo and hindleg connection is much improved. I now plan to go through the course again riding alot more of the exercises in trot so I can continue to help his straightness. Thomas has an amazing eye for detail, and learning from other people's videos too. Thank you to all the Ritter team for this very valuable course. The straightness course has been transformational for this horse."
- Rachel Forster, UK
"This is the course I needed to take years ago! I've learned more about myself, my horse, life and dressage during this course, than I have in the past 40 years of riding, training, taking clinics, and lessons. I warn you that it is very addicting. My older horse started the course very stiff and did not want to move forward. She was becoming angry about being ridden at all. Lateral moves were a struggle for her. I did not canter her much before this course, because she was no longer physically comfortable in the canter. By the end of the straightness course, I felt like my horse was actually trying to seek straightness on her own. Her trot became fluffy and springy. Her attitude changed and she doesn't mind working at all anymore! She moves forward with very light aids now. I am now cantering her, and her canter is uphill, malleable, and she is comfortable with it too. This course has totally transformed the way I ride and the way I interact with my horses. The Ritters and their team are incredibly generous with their time and information. I've never met any trainer who was so willing to discuss issues and solutions the way the Ritters do. This course has had a profound impact on this horse and rider. The community of riders in the course is safe and always encouraging. Surprisingly, my life has truly been enriched on many levels because of the people and horses in this group. I will be using what I learned here to continue onward and upward. I had been so stagnant in my riding for many years up until now, despite a lot of hard work and rich experience in the past. This course gave me the knowledge and skills that I needed, to open up many future possibilities with my horses."
- Carla Powell, USA
"Toscana and I did the Straightness Course in 2019 and 2020. I started with a crooked, stiff horse, which sometimes got angry and was not very cooperative. She was afraid to fall in some exercises and tried to escape. Within the course, she learned to use all four legs to carry her weight and also to try some new movements instead of saying "no, it is impossible". And yes, we got more straightness. Both of us. The rider exercises were very helpful for me to be aware of my own crookedness. So Im now able to help my horse better. It is much easier to ride a less crooked horse😍. The canter got more uphill, Toscana can bend to both sides, I no longer have the feeling of falling off my horse to one side. And her hooves got much better with more straightness, not necessary to work on them every week anymore."
- Britte Karsten Wicke, Germany
"I love the course, even more the second time around. It has opened my eyes how much impact my crookedness has on my horses and their crookedness on me, and I have got a lot of exercises and theoretics to work with - so horses and I can become more straight."
- Katrin Malmqvist, Sweden
"Second time round and each time I move a bit further along the avenue of understanding, the fact it is repeated is just the icing on the cake, the repetition eventually starts to seep in. If only school was like this we could move at our own pace and learn without pressure."
- Heather Warby, UK
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