The Pre-Canter Course
"The Pre-Canter Course" - Prepare your horse for the canter
This three-module SELF-STUDY mini-course is designed to help you prepare your horse for the canter.
Starting with a training video on the Prerequisites of the Canter, you will learn the biomechanical principles that enable the horse to lift into canter, and from there maintain a quality canter.
You will learn that to be able to canter requires a degree of straightness, suppleness and strength in the hindquarters and core muscles.
How do you do that?
We have got you there, with a collection of 10 ridden exercises.
There are 7 exercise patterns, all with
- diagrams and written instructions,
- a video with Thomas talking you through each of the exercises
- Rider Demo videos with Thomas’ commentary
AND there are 3 Stirrup Stepping patterns, accompanied by
- diagrams and written instructions,
- a video with Thomas talking you through each pattern
PLUS a Bonus PDF on How to Improve your Canter Departs with theory training and an additional 5 exercise patterns.