Dressage Biomechanics Framework Self-Study Course
A simpler, smarter, friendlier, biomechanics-based way to approach the training of your horse and fix the problems you enounter in your training.
A 6-part program that introduces you, step-by-step, to each of the six essential biomechanical movement patterns, to take you from “scrambling to put band-aids over the problems and training gaps” to creatively applying biomechanics-based exercises that accurately pinpoint the cause of the problems and correctly FIX them.
Perfect for DIY riders who want the NUTS AND BOLTS training tools and information.
☞ This is a self-study course. You can do it at your own pace, begin any time.
* Lifetime access to all course materials.
* Everything can be downloaded - all videos, audio files, and PDFs.
* Full 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
"This Course is a thorough summary of all the “essential” things that a horse and rider must learn together and provides a crucial outline of all the components of those six items. It is suitable for any rider, regardless of skill or experience. This course reminded me of all the basics and, most importantly, helped me to organize my thoughts on training, teaching or fine-tuning my horses regarding those items. The most important portion of the course for me concerned bending, when it was proper and how to obtain it." - Terry Reth
"I loved that it was in depth and categorizes the different tasks that need to be involved in each component. I have incorporated it into my daily riding. Oh, I need to halt, what shall I do..... Bending..... how can I prepare.....etc. It's really a great course." - Sharon Matthews
"This course gives so much direction and purpose to your everyday training. It also teaches you to think outside the box in finding solutions to problems you inevitably encounter along the way, not only to fix your horse, but also you as a rider." - Claire Taranto
"Gives you a solid grounding in the elements that are needed all through the levels, no matter whether the horse is inexperienced or not, you will need them, always. Made me realise that there were gaps in my knowledge. Difficult to progress without the basics in place. I went on this course and I have many, many years of horse riding under my belt. Realised that if I don't get the basics right, it will haunt me up through the levels." - Susan Haskell
"I do think this course is a great fundamental starting point for the Ritter experience. It is Ritter 101." - Carole Cox
"I think that this course should be recommended as the first course. It was well designed and easy to follow. Not overwhelming amount of information as I’ve found in some of the others (just my opinion, not meant as a negative) but when presented with so much info it can be intimidating ... this course was not intimidating." - Sue Bow
"The course reminded me of things I know but sometimes rushed through. It helps me with exercises and explanations for my horses and my students. I signed up to refresh my knowledge - to become a better partner for my horses and teacher for the students, and because I love the courses. The courses are always helpful, the community that is built is a supportive, safe place to work out your difficulties and share your triumphs. The Ritters have created a wonderfully supportive, knowledgeable platform with their courses." - Kendle Buffington
“The important thing I have learned from this course is to be a thinking rider and to be more tuned in to my horse. It’s like a tool box you can return to whenever necessary.” - Kate Peatling
"The course also addressed the small specifics of executing the movements in more depth than is normally taught. I plan to revisit this course periodically as a refresher course on riding basics." - Robin Whittenbaugh
"This course considers the basic movements of horse with rider, not only for dressage, but applicable for all equestrian pursuits. It is helping me develop my three young horses. I can now go out with a clear plan and exercises to work on their basic moves in a logical and understandable way. This course explains the biomechanics of the horse with rider which I have been seeking for some time." - Christine Mann
"A very thorough grounding for both horse and rider. It has increased my awareness of how important and effective it is to work on the basics and finding ways to simplify exercises to help my mare understand what I'm asking of her." - Shirley Owen
"We were lacking a solid foundation. Trainers would tell me I needed this and that but never quite told me how to get there - I was worried that my horse would become unsound from my incorrect riding. I would describe this course as the absolute foundation for any horse. It is the “A, B, C’s” of riding. As we worked our way through we found gaps in training that have been worked on, for example Pumba was dead to my leg for most part and now is improving in his responses. The course helped me to recognize when and where he was blocking the aid and not allowing it to go through. He is bracing less and less as we progress." - Mary Bogue