OTTB Renewal Self-Study Course
From Racehorse to Dressage Horse
A collection of fundamental exercises to help transition your racehorse from a speed machine pulling himself along with his front end to a riding horse who is able to start working from your aids and transferring more of the weight to the hind end.β¨β¨With suppling and balancing exercises your horse will learn to free their backs so they can engage their hindquarters, bend, and accept contact with the bit.
This course contains a combination of Theory Lessons, Horse Riding Exercises, Work-in-Hand, Feldenkrais Lessons, Curated Yoga Lessons, FeldenHorse, and Imagery Lessons for a well-rounded approach that addresses the entire horse-rider relationship as a holistic unit.
The OTTB Renewal Self-Study Course Includes:
Module 1: The Basis of Training
The Ritter Training Scale
The OTTB Masterclass
How to evaluate YOUR horse
Module 2: Starting on the Ground
Why Groundwork?
Work-in-Hand (Leg yield and volte)
In Hand work with Feldenkrais
FeldenHorse: Breathing Ribs
Module 3: Starting in the Saddle
Connections between Horse and Rider
Biomechanics Aspects of the Aids
Flower Exercise
Yoga for Equestrians
Module 4: Developing Straightness
What is Crookedness?
How Crookedness affects the Horse
When the Horse becomes Straight
3-Loop Serpentine
Imagery Lesson: Train on Tracks
Module 5: Balance and Suppleness
How we can improve the Horse’s Balance
Walk to Halt and Trot to Halt Transitions
Feldenkrais Lesson: Introducing the Tripod
Module 6: Creating a Good Contact
Connection and Rein Contact as a Whole Body Experience
When Rein Contact is too Heavy
Circle and Square Exercise
Yoga Lesson: Hands, Fingers, and Wrists
β This is a self-study course. You can do it at your own pace, begin any time.
* Lifetime access to all course materials.
* Everything can be downloaded - all videos, audio files, and PDFs.
“This is the best on line learning site I have found and love the Ritters deep dive into biomechanics of dressage. Little by little pieces are starting to fall into place. Thank you to the whole team for all that you do , sharing your knowledge, and being grounded in classical dressage.” - Cindy
“I really can’t get enough of the Ritter approach… at this point it is the BEST coaching & goal/objective setting program. After 4yrs, it is now how I think and feel and ride my horses. So - why not! I’ve done a number of Beta classes and love the concept of being immersed in it forever.”
Tracy Farrell
“I feel exactly like you do - I am quite frustrated that I have to relearn all this as an older adult - I have actively sought knowledge over my riding career and it was actually my inability to do a clean/ consistent flying change left to right that was the catalyst for me. I kept saying I was doing something fundamentally wrong but no-one could tell me what that was, a lot of yelling and me just feeling like a terrible rider. What I have learned so far has been amazing, it’s a work in progress but I now feel possibilities not barriers. I also feel like every ride is a gift where I learn something new and find a new gem of wisdom in the practical, not just the theory. I love this community as it’s like I have found my people and I am not alone in my thoughts or journey.”
- Tracey Johnston
“The Ritter courses have given me my confidence back. A year ago, I was almost ready to give up and just be an owner and find someone who could ride my horse. We were stuck in a cycle of 1 step forwards 2 steps back in our training. I felt over-horsed and completely inadequate. A year later I feel so much more empowered and my relationship with my horse is so much better. I enjoy riding again and I know that he and I are on the right path, and I’ve found the right community of people to help us succeed. π” - Katharine Trevelyan
“I've been doing Ritter courses for a few years now. Through their instruction and examples, I've transformed from a skilled but driven, frustrated, rider into one who is calm, happy, and analytical in my training. Despite having had decades of excellent instruction, it took the Ritters to teach me to be calmer, more analytical, and therefore much more effective in my riding. Everyone is happier AND we make better progress. My horses and I all thank Thomas Ritter and Shana Ritter.”
Anne Zahradnik
“This is the first time I’ve started to understand this crazy confusing sport! Turns out it’s not so complicated after all.” π - Julia Ackland
“The art of learning the craft is the goal and I am seeing that the lightness and balance my horse has developed so far its just amazing “ - Aidan Campion
“I have done most Ritter courses and love the teaching style. Thomas and Shana are amazing at getting into the reason of everything, the Why. ” - Morgan Laura Osborne
“You won’t be sorry if you enroll. The Ritters’ courses are so detailed and they allow you to ask the questions you were afraid to ask. You can send videos of your problem areas and get personal instruction. You will find so much support and a community of fellow riders to develop lasting friendships all over the world. It’s really a no brainer to at least try the course because if you don’t feel it is right for you, they give you your money back and without any hesitancy or shame. The Ritters are genuine and are really interested in you succeeding. I have taken several of their courses and am an alumni for this one. I have definitely seen progress in both me and my horse. I love that they put attention on the horses faults in addition to the rider. Most of the time I always felt like I was to blame and the horse was an angel saint. Not anymore. They give you tools to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it and give you lots of options. I still struggle with some concepts so don’t despair if you feel overwhelmed. It keeps getting better. So take the course, there is nothing to lose but much to gain.” - Marci Handley, Creekside Farm
“I highly recommend any of the courses that are offered. I took a horse with a muscle disease that was so crooked that he was literally unrideable and he is now rideable a little over a year later and completely symmetrical in his body. He is still a work in progress, as they all are, but my vet could not believe the physical change in his musculature and that such a change could take place from riding exercises. He had extreme high/low hoof syndrome in his front hooves , and his right hind had a negative palmar angle and a bull nosed appearance. His hooves now all match. So the change in his body and his feet has been nothing short of amazing. I followed the course and some parts he was not capable of but we participated to the best of his ability and I now have my horse back.” - Michelle Dorsey
“I’ve done both the WWH and the canter course. I think it's awesome how much we can learn in them. I don't have access to other instructors and have found the Ritters really fill the gap.” - Caroline Duff Riddell
“I started the first Beta Course hoping to train my own horses. One year later, I am rehabilitating someone's else's horses! I never thought I could impress this owner but I have! These courses reach all levels. You and your horses just continue to grow together. I have really learned to think through issues.” - Carole Cox
“This full-loaded of knowledge -courses make riding simple and understandable in its complexity. It increases the creativity in working with both horses and humans.” - Marie Folk
“My complicated mare has started to turn the corner now too - been a VERY long road. But got lots and lots of golden nuggets from you to use (when I remember them!!!).” - Libby Thurman
“The courses are definitely useable on any level of horse and rider, Shana and Thomas do suggest different level exercises for each problem.” - Tiana Famos
“As a human and veterinary physio, I hope more friends and clients join us as the progress I have seen is magnified with such team working holistically!” - Andraya Hiscock
“The courses are motivational and give structure as well as being supportive and fun. Lots of positive energy in the group.” - Eldur Saudadalsa
“Since December 2017, I’ve learned so much compared to the last 4 years. I wish I found you guys earlier. Onwards & upwards, I cannot suggest your courses highly. Fellow riders at the livery asked what I’ve done as I improved so much.” - Juanita Burt
“It is amazing how much I learned in the online course. So much more detail about theory then is able to be addressed in a ridden lesson. LOVED it!” - Amy Barnes
“The Ritters’ courses are amazing. I cannot recommend them enough.” - Fran Griffith
“For all of you who are still doubting to sign up - just do it. It can be life changing in your riding journey. I was member of the first beta-course and learned so much. Going a second time through it made the foundation and understanding even deeper. So for me it was a 10-second decision to also sign up for the upcoming course about horse and rider.” - Nan Brünig
“For all the ones still unsure about this course. I did the other Ritter courses and learned so much! It was an eyeopener for my riding and it helped my horse a lot! Also great is the private Group Community. I Love them all. You get nice comments to your Videos or questions. Everybody is Happy for your improvements. π I am so looking forward to the new course ππ” - Eva Läbe
“The first beta course turned our lives around. My funny little horse is complicated - so many call him naughty... but working through the course has totally changed everything! Ritterizing both of us gave me a better understanding of what was going on with him, and gave us a road map to a better way.. We just graded up ... again.... and first show on Saturday - so keen to see if we can apply to it all in a show setting!” - Dawn Gray
“I think I've been in every online course the Ritters have offered. Every course has been invaluable in training my horses. Even my gaited horses have benefited from the information and exercises in these courses. The feedback and support from the Ritters and group members adds so much to the course material. The theory and details given have taught me to think through problems and choose the right path for each individual horse. No cookie cutter training here.” - Sandy Kern
“Besides the course material, this is THE most supportive, encouraging, warm group of equestrians you will ever encounter in your horsemanship journey. It truly doesn't matter where you're at in your horsemanship journey, EVERYONE is welcome and treated with respect. <3 My FAVORITE part about the way the Ritters structure their courses is that you can tweak practically every principle and exercise they present to suit the individual needs (and limitations) of you and your horse.” - Laura Comotto