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Straightness improves your horse's rideability AND is vital for your horse's long-term soundness and wellbeing.
Get ready for a unique journey. In this free 5-day email course, you will receive a daily email written personally by Dr. Thomas Ritter (author of Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics) with a series of musings, unusual yet timely insights, interesting thoughts, and helpful tips on Straightness and training your horse in an inspired, sustainable way.
Free 5-Day Email Course
This is a mini course delivered straight to your email inbox over five days. Each day you will receive a new thought-provoking email written by Dr. Thomas Ritter with ideas, thoughts, and exercises you can try with your horse.
June 12-16, 2023
Upon registering, you will get a confirmation email with all the info you need. Then starting June 12, you will receive one email each day for 5 days.
In your Email Inbox.
That's right! It doesn't get easier than this. You will also receive an email with information on how to access the mini-course inside your Courses Library on our Platform. This way you can refer back to the info at any later time. FREE. And it never goes away.

Meet your Instructors
Thomas & Shana Ritter
Located in Portugal, Thomas is an International Clinician and author of "Dressage Principles based on Biomechanics" and "Long Reining: From the Beginning through the Levade" (published by Cadmos Press in both English and German) and countless articles in many publications. Shana is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist. Together they create and orchestrate the Artistic Dressage online Dressage training program.

"Thank you to Thomas and Shana for all the time they spend developing the challenge and course exercises. Yesterday my horse's massage therapist found so little that needed to be done on Simon that she took $25.00 off her regular fee. She said that the exercises that I am doing with Simon are getting amazing results. He's 18 but doesn't look or act his age thanks to being so fit from doing his therapeutic exercises in homeopathic doses. His massage therapist really liked that line of thinking.
So don't doubt for a moment that these exercises won't transform your horse. They will! You just need to be persistent"
- Linda Drescher